Thursday, October 21, 2010

Just another day?

A cute Aidenism...yesterday Mrs. Cline's classroom got to wear pajamas to school because they had been rewarded for exhibiting the schools virtues. Aiden was SO excited...of course picked out his favorite Star Wars pajamas to wear to school.

At the end of the day I asked him how his day went and if he thought it was cool that he got to wear his pjs all day long. His response, "It was ok, but it wasn't so cool because we still had to do work and stuff."

Monday, October 11, 2010

Bye Bye Binkies!!

The Smith household has been full of change over the past several weeks! The weekend of Kieran's birthday - our little man decided he was to become an escape artist and pole vaulted himself out of his crib. Of course this would happen...with Aiden, we moved to our new house and I remember wanting to get him settled into his own room, so we set up a with a big boy bed at 18 mos. and never looked back. Aiden was such a sleepy would just tell him to get to bed, in he would crawl, and with a book and a snuggle he was off to lala land!

Wild man Kieran, on the other hand, I think both Chris & I could've been satisfied not moving him out of his crib until he was like - FIVE! But, as our little man has often proven to us just how quickly he likes to keep up with his older brother, he found his way to freedom much earlier than his parents would have liked. So...we made the decision to forge ahead and move Kieran into his toddler bed.

This transition has not been without its bumps. On most nights Kieran finds himself out of his room 2-3 times before settling in. Moreso, it's the random four a.m. visits that are much less appreciated - especially when Kieran is convinced that since he has awoken and is feeling full of energy it MUST be morning!! At least we have gotten him back to sleep on most of these nights, but the best way to describe is...we are surviving!

And...because Chris & I are gluttons for punishment, we made the discovery shortly thereafter that Kieran had bitten through 1/2 of each of his binkies. With the fear of him biting them off completely and choking on them in the middle of the night - we had two choices: (1) replace the binkies or (2) endure a visit from the binkie fairy. Again, we decided to jump feet first and removed all binkies from the house. Honestly, it was not as bad as I had feared. Kieran really didn't cry for his binkies - and anytime he asked for them we simply replied "all gone". In fact, I haven't even heard the word binkie for several days until we were going through pictures this past weekend and a picture of Kieran with a binkie appeared. All of a sudden he was on a quest for binkies again, but it quickly subsided.

In short...our little man has made some BIG strides over the past few weeks in this phase of him growing up. He is still my little boy, and in some ways, I hate watching him grow up so fast as there is a small part of me that would love to keep him as my little baby forever. However, it is fun to hear his conversations develop...and to watch his understanding of the world grow. We think he is so much fun and he brings a lot of laughter into our household. Now...if we could just find a way to tame that wild instinct in him, we would be golden!

The Little Engine That Could

September 12, 2010 - We celebrated the smallest little Smith turning a BIG TWO YEARS OLD!! Where did the time go? Given that Kieran is completely crazy for anything cars, we decided to host a party with all of our immediate family at a local restaurant, Fritz's Railroad Restaurant. It was such a great venue, plus it went along with the super cute invitations that I found online...
Fritz's is great...the first restaurant was opened in KCK back in the 1960's. We went to a new location out in Shawnee. The restaurant has a railroad track built around the top exterior of the restaurant. You dial up your order at a phone that is at each table...then a train actually comes out of the kitchen and "drops" your order onto a lift that lowers it to your table. It is SO cool. Kieran was in complete amazement as that was his first experience at Fritz's.

The presents were ok too :)...although I think big brother, Aiden, did most of the unwrapping. Kieran got into it closer to the end. He got lots of choo choo trains as presents, which he is still fascinated with. The cutest part of it all - I ended up making a train birthday cake for him. Even now when he sees pictures of his cake, he starts singing "Happy Birthday to you"...

Thanks to everyone that helped us to celebrate Kieran's big day! What a memorable event. Check out the pics to see the fun that we had.