Monday, August 30, 2010

What Part of NO Don't You Understand?

So while Aiden is getting accustomed to life as a kindergartner, Kieran is blazing fire into the terrible twos. Don't get me wrong - he is CUTE, and he knows it, which makes it a deadly combination. He can often get away with many antics at the Smith household just by flashing those pearly whites. Perfect is Kieran's idea of keeping busy while at the ball fields this summer...(mommy sigh, at least his shirt appropriately said Mud Monster!)

However, the latest development is his discovery of the word NO. Pretty much from morning to night, any question asked of him is responded to in this soft quiet almost

"Kieran - are you cute?" "NO!"
"Kieran - do you love mommy?" "NO!"
"Kieran - are you excited to play with your friends at school?" "NO!"
"Kieran - do you love your binkies?" "NO!" (now we know THAT isn't true!)

He mostly is sweet and almost funny when he says it, though as time has gone on the NO's are getting louder and more firm - like, "I may be the littlest person in this house, but let's not get confused who is the boss here!"

Here is a quick video of Kieran on his latest NO rant:

From movies

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ready, Set, GO...

As if the little people in my household aren't just growing up in leaps and bounds, or so it seems. Life as a kindergartner is great - as I'm told. Aiden is making lots of new friends in his new classroom. He has girls on both sides of him at his table - Celia and Katie. I asked him last night if he thought the girls were pretty...and then there was silence with a hidden smile on Aiden's face. So, this is how it is going to be for the next 15+ yrs?

Aiden also made an astounding record this week (although still behind his daddy)...he managed to find himself in the principal's office on day 5 of kindergarten. Yes - you read that right - DAY 5. Apparently him and another little boy were "too busy playing" and ended up dropping their shorts peeing on the mulch on the playground! Remember back to my story at t-ball? I knew that was going to come back and haunt me one day - I just didn't think it was going to be quite so soon!! Let's just hope this visit was not the first of many.

Aiden has made his daddy very proud as he has conquered his bicycle. It took lots of convincing - I'm afraid that Aiden is not a big fan of things that don't come easily (reminds me of his daddy!). So, there were many tears as we tried for many weeks to get him to try to ride his bike. Finally we took him up to his school where there is a huge flat field of grass. It was amazing - without the fear of falling, the kid was off and running on his own on his first try! From that point on he has been obsessed, I mean OBSESSED about riding his bike - every single day. Which is great - until he crashed! Sunday night, with all the pomp and circumstance of having the neighbors watching and cheering, Aiden didn't quite turn his bike quick enough around the cul-de-sac and plowed into storm sewer. He flew over his handlebars putting a nice strawberry on his knee. Our fabulous neighbor, Colonel Waldron, put on his marine corp voice and made a man of my boy right in front of my eyes! It took him a few minutes, but he dried the tears and then got up to ride again - and he's been riding like crazy ever since!

Here is a quick clip of Aiden on the move!
From movies

Go Aiden GO!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

And so it begins...

At 8:35 a.m., "A.B." Smith officially became a kindergartener.

Yesterday, following our return from a great weekend at the lake with the Smith family, we got the e-mail notifying us that Aiden would soon join the classroom of Mrs. Cline. Aiden knew a few kids in his classroom, both that live on our cul-de-sac and a few through playing soccer & t-ball this past year. He was quite excited.

We celebrated at the Ice Cream Social last night at school. The kids picked up their massive box of school supplies (we pre-order through school and avoid the store chaos), and then went back to check out their classrooms. Mrs. Cline was there to greet the students. Aiden checked out his cubby (#17) and his assigned seat at his circle table. Mrs. Cline seems like she will be a great teacher - we are very excited to see what this year has in store for us! Aiden was a little shy introducing himself to Mrs. Cline, but quickly warmed up with other boys in the classroom upon the discovery of all the new toys he will get to play with.

Tucking him into bed last night, it took a little arm twisting to read him The Kissing Hand. It is a great story about sending Chester the Raccoon off for his first day of school - mom gives him a kiss on his hand that he can keep there and remember how much she loves him all day long and likewise, Chester kisses his mom's hand so she can remember how much he loves her. At the end of the story, Aiden took one of the heart stickers and gave it to me to wear...oh, how I eat up these moments as they are becoming few and far between as my little boy is growing up and becoming ever so independent.

This morning went smoothly - Aiden was proudly carrying his new backpack showing it off to all of his friends. He also sported his new shoes, which he kept claiming said "nerf" on the back (was really nike). Oh well - as long as he thinks it is cool we are good! Here are a few of the kiddos from our cul-de-sac as we were preparing to leave:

We had a walking school bus to school, which was about 5 kindergartners and their parents that walked up to drop kids off. Aiden went to his classroom - no big deal - and quickly found two other boys that he played with building legos on the floor. I did get a quick hug AND KISS! before I left him...I will say - things got just slightly teary (mom only) at this point!

Parents of kindergartners went down to the BooHoo WooHoo coffee hour in the gym following drop off. The new principal, Mr. Sanders, was there to welcome all of the parents. He is new to Sunrise Point, but seemed like he will be a good role model for the kids and a great resource for the parents.

Overall - things went great today. I walked Aiden back home after school - and he reported how much he liked his new class AND the strawberry milk they served in the cafeteria! We are also busy looking for a gingerbread man that Chef Tony cooked and lost at school...not sure exactly where he is going to turn up! Check out the pics from Aiden's first school lunch:

I am really looking forward to this year ahead. I am SO proud of the little man that Aiden is becoming - I have lots of faith that he will be successful in his new school, and it will be a wonderful experience for him.

Go Sunrise Point Elementary Patriots!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Notes to a Kindergarten Teacher on the First Day of School

This is a poem a friend sent to me that was written by Anne Ridilla Troy, which I thought was lovely, and was modified by me for my Aiden:

This is the child who was in my thoughts
Long before he was in my womb.
He was named before he was conceived.

This is the child on whose birthday I wept
Because I realized that babies don't keep
And that someday he would begin his journey of growing up
Which to me starts through the entry of kindergarten.

Well, now that day has come.

I've changed his diapers and changed his sheets.
I’ve read him goodnight stories and sung lullabies.

I've been his teacher, his disciplinarian,
His buddy, his confidant and his albatross.

I've seen his first attempts at rolling over.
I've seen him waddle clumsily when learning to walk.
I've waited anxiously for his first word.
And now he uses his logic to outreason and correct me.

I've watched him gaze at the world in amazement.
I've watched him lasso that world in his play.
I've watched him create forts.
Invent his own lightsabers,
and dress up like his favorite superheros.

I've watched him embrace his boyhood in this world.

Now you'll be part-time watcher
Part-time keeper.

Please watch him carefully.
Please keep him well
And please, please help keep that
Sense of wonder in his gaze,
That creativeness and inventiveness in his work.

I know to you he is just one of many
And you don't know him very well.

But I know that he calls hamburgers "hamgebers"
And that he easily frustrates, but often perseveres,
And that he acts tough,
But is really very soft and sensitive on the inside.

And to me, he is one of not so many.

He is my firstborn.
he is the answer to our prayers
And he was in my heart even before he was in my womb.

Aiden's Mom

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Oh boy, changes are a coming...

Is it August already? The summer has flown by, and now the times of change are upon the Smith household.

At the beginning of this month, we moved Kieran to a new daycare facility - Small Beginnings. The change was for many reasons, but ultimately we think that this change will be a good one for him. So far so good!

During the same time, Aiden went to go stay with Gram & Papa for the week. He had a blast watching movies, playing Wii...and also heading down to Stockton lake with the extended Lindemann family. He played with some of my other cousins, jumping off the boat 100+ times, AND even had his first tubing experience (probably a good thing I wasn't there to immediately gray out my hair from the stress!).

This week I am playing taxi as Aiden is enjoying his first sports camp. He's got a few friends in his group...and is having tons of fun learning new things. I can't wait to see him out on the soccer fields again this fall. If you thought he had talent before, you better watch out now for AB Smith!!! (btw...AB is Aiden's self-chosen official sports nickname - though if you ask him what the B stands for, he shrugs his shoulders, to which Chris responds - BIG knucklehead!!! It will be interesting to see what he chooses to go by in kindergarten in the next few weeks.)

As we wrap up the summer, we are preparing for the send-off to kindergarten beginning next Wednesday. I am celebrating my 32nd birthday, and all I can think about is Aiden heading to school in less than a week...I think I am going back to that place where my hair is graying out!! :) I think Aiden is ready, excited, and looking forward to this journey we are about to embark on...much unlike his mother who is dragging behind kicking and screaming!!