Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ready, Set, GO...

As if the little people in my household aren't just growing up in leaps and bounds, or so it seems. Life as a kindergartner is great - as I'm told. Aiden is making lots of new friends in his new classroom. He has girls on both sides of him at his table - Celia and Katie. I asked him last night if he thought the girls were pretty...and then there was silence with a hidden smile on Aiden's face. So, this is how it is going to be for the next 15+ yrs?

Aiden also made an astounding record this week (although still behind his daddy)...he managed to find himself in the principal's office on day 5 of kindergarten. Yes - you read that right - DAY 5. Apparently him and another little boy were "too busy playing" and ended up dropping their shorts peeing on the mulch on the playground! Remember back to my story at t-ball? I knew that was going to come back and haunt me one day - I just didn't think it was going to be quite so soon!! Let's just hope this visit was not the first of many.

Aiden has made his daddy very proud as he has conquered his bicycle. It took lots of convincing - I'm afraid that Aiden is not a big fan of things that don't come easily (reminds me of his daddy!). So, there were many tears as we tried for many weeks to get him to try to ride his bike. Finally we took him up to his school where there is a huge flat field of grass. It was amazing - without the fear of falling, the kid was off and running on his own on his first try! From that point on he has been obsessed, I mean OBSESSED about riding his bike - every single day. Which is great - until he crashed! Sunday night, with all the pomp and circumstance of having the neighbors watching and cheering, Aiden didn't quite turn his bike quick enough around the cul-de-sac and plowed into storm sewer. He flew over his handlebars putting a nice strawberry on his knee. Our fabulous neighbor, Colonel Waldron, put on his marine corp voice and made a man of my boy right in front of my eyes! It took him a few minutes, but he dried the tears and then got up to ride again - and he's been riding like crazy ever since!

Here is a quick clip of Aiden on the move!
From movies

Go Aiden GO!

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