Monday, August 30, 2010

What Part of NO Don't You Understand?

So while Aiden is getting accustomed to life as a kindergartner, Kieran is blazing fire into the terrible twos. Don't get me wrong - he is CUTE, and he knows it, which makes it a deadly combination. He can often get away with many antics at the Smith household just by flashing those pearly whites. Perfect is Kieran's idea of keeping busy while at the ball fields this summer...(mommy sigh, at least his shirt appropriately said Mud Monster!)

However, the latest development is his discovery of the word NO. Pretty much from morning to night, any question asked of him is responded to in this soft quiet almost

"Kieran - are you cute?" "NO!"
"Kieran - do you love mommy?" "NO!"
"Kieran - are you excited to play with your friends at school?" "NO!"
"Kieran - do you love your binkies?" "NO!" (now we know THAT isn't true!)

He mostly is sweet and almost funny when he says it, though as time has gone on the NO's are getting louder and more firm - like, "I may be the littlest person in this house, but let's not get confused who is the boss here!"

Here is a quick video of Kieran on his latest NO rant:

From movies

1 comment:

  1. Too cute!!! I can't believe how fast the boys are growing up!
